
POSTER DESIGN | student work
Some people spend so much time on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms that their use of social media interferes with other aspects of their daily lives. These people are considered to have a social media addiction, which can be harmful to them and others. The behaviors and negative effects associated with heavy or excessive use of social media have become the subject of much discussion and research.
Develop an informational campaign on the dangers of social media addiction.
At first blush the idea of social media being an addiction seemed far fetched and out of left field, but after doing a deep dive into the psychological side effects of social media it’s become harder and harder to ignore the addiction. I know the there are many campaigns that use shock and awe to catch the attention of the reader, but in this case maybe using something not so jarring and more relatable can make the viewer stop and read. Using bright colors is a lot more eye-catching than showing something depressing and dark.