PACKAGE DESIGN | student work
Ray-Ban is a legacy eyewear brand launched in 1937. They have several iconic styles that have withstood the test of time and have been made famous by artists, celebrities, and leaders. Their mantra of “Never Hide,” is in the center of all they do. They want all of their customers to wear Ray-Ban not because of the brand name, but because they want to be there to help you express your sense of genuine self and individuality. Furthermore, Ray-Ban has never changed or updated their brand look, keeping the same logo since its inception, a sign that points to the popularity of their beloved iconic styles.
Develop a new graphic expression and product line extension for the Ray-Ban brand in the Men’s Skincare industry.
The Ray-Ban brand was created in the 1930s when US Army Air Corps Lieutenant General Jon Macready commissioned Bausch & Lomb to design a new pair of sunglasses to help remove glare from his pilot’s eyes while flying in high altitudes. The anti-glare eyewear “banned” the rays of the sun from obstructing the pilot’s vision, and thus, the “Ray-Ban” brand was created, with their first pair of sunglasses aptly named, “Aviators.” In 1937, Aviators were made available to the public, and by the ’40s were popularized by General Douglas MacArthur and US Military Pilots. Thus, a transition into Men’s Skincare would be the natural path for a brand extension, leveraging one of their classic and first sunglasses, the “Aviator.”